22 creative ideas to help turn your front porch garden into an impressive reception.

22 creative ideas to help turn your front porch garden into an impressive reception.

Of course, having the right furniture and accessories is another way to ensure that your front porch is as welcoming as possible.

One of the best parts about having a garden or landscaping your front yard is that after all the hard work is finished, you can sit back and enjoy the beauty you’ve coaxed out of your yard.

Sit on the patio, in a porch swing or rocking chair, and enjoy the breeze coming through the trees, bringing the fragrance of your garden right to you.

Invite your neighbors or friends over for a drink and enjoy the weather outside. It’s the perfect way to spend the day.

We put together this gallery of front porch garden ideas to provide you with some amazing and unique ideas! We hope you’ll be inspired to spend a bit more time outside enjoying your front landscaping after viewing these beautiful examples of curb appeal!

1. Ornate Front Porch With Thick Landscaping

Viewed from the side, this small front porch is obscured by the thick bushes all along the front and side of the yard. A large hanging basket helps bring the color up to the ceiling of the porch. The rest of the yard is filled with unique displays, including a wheelbarrow full of flowers and a trellis.

2. Bright Landscaping and Double Porches

This lovely Victorian  home in brick has two entrances, each with its own porch. Both porches are decorated with pastel wicker seating like rocking chairs, and both have bold displays of red hanging baskets to bright the bold color from the garden up to the front of the home.

3. Small Brick Porch With Wrought Iron Railing

The black wrought iron railing gives this sturdy brick home a more delicate, open atmosphere. The porch has a seating area for two beneath the front window, looking out over the lovely landscaping in front of the railing. Cushions are added to the chairs to make them a tad more comfortable.

4. Thickly Landscaped Front Walkway to Simple White Porch

A simple, somewhat hidden front porch with an enormous three-paned window next to the red front door. The tall, showy landscaping seems to hide the porch from view, creating an intimate outdoor entertaining area that has some privacy. Perfect for homes with small backyards.

5. Simple Small Front Porch With A Small Plant

A quaint white-picket fence surrounds tis lovely two-story home. A gate crosses the front walkway leading up to the long porch. Tall flowering bushes in magenta obscure the railings of the porch, while smaller red hanging baskets bring the color upwards towards the eaves.

6. Stone Steps Leading to A Vine-Covered Porch

This front walkway and porch is uncovered, but shaded by the tall, thick trees surrounding the lot. Stone steps lead up to the door, which is arched in an old-world style. Copious amounts of vines cover the front of the home, adding to the atmosphere.

7. Covered Porch with Thick Flowering Bushes and Pie Pumpkins

A tall front porch with a set of steps leading up to it and a thick array of flowering bushes that partially cover the right side of the steps. To add a bit of fall festivity to the steps, a single pie pumpkin is added just to the left of the flowers on each step.

8. Shaded Porch With Wicker Furniture and Hanging Baskets

A small porch with thick bushes in front. A set of white wicker chairs and a side table sit in the corner in front of a window. Bright pink hanging baskets and flower pots frame the steps onto the porch. An ornate outer glass door adds delicate detail to the front of this home.

9. Porch with Striking Contrast and Hanging Baskets

Angular molding added to either side of each column adds a delicate touch to the strikingly contrasted front porch. The siding of the home is in a dark navy, which appears even darker against the pristine white of the woodwork. Large planting beds to either side of the grass pathway to the front door are filled with thick bushes and a ring of bright red flowers.

10. Bright Yellow Covered Porch

A large planting bed on the outside of this home’s picket fence is filled with bright red and lavender flowering bushes, in addition to a wide variety of ground cover. The front porch of the home is in a bold yellow and raised off the ground. The steps are hidden by the plants.

11. Raised Wrap-Around Porch

A lovely, spacious home with a wraparound porch and balcony on the second floor. The garage is situated below the main portion of the home, giving the very front a fantastic view out of the bay window. The actual “porch” of this home is located near the back of the home and hidden from view, making the balcony even more important.

12. Container Garden Veranda

A lovely veranda with delicate wood work detail all along the top. The brick patio decking gives the porch an older look, while the aged wicker sofa and rocking chairs fill out the space nicely. A variety of plants in urns, flower pots, and other containers makes this patio feel part of the garden.

13. Small Pink Front Porch

The owners of this lovely older home added a new coat of soft pink paint to the small porch, echoing the bright pink in the large, slightly overgrown flower bushes in front of the home’s large windows. The walk up to the porch is framed with cone-shaped hedges.

14. Circular Stucco Porch

This stucco home has a circular opening shading the wooden front door. The door has three windows on either side to let the sunshine into the home’s interior. Flowering trees and a variety of tulips seem to follow visitors up the front steps. We’re of the opinion that this lovely home looks fit for a Hobbit!

15. Simple White and Green Porch

The thick landscaping along the front of this home nearly obscures the small front porch. White spindles stand out against the green trim and various other woodwork on the front of the house. The addition of hanging baskets draws the eye upward.

16. Front Porch With Swing

A lovely, simple front porch with well-trimmed bushes and a variety of brightly colored perennials. The brick front walk and steps lead up to the porch, which does not have a railing. On the left is a set of patio chairs, while a porch swing hangs on the right of the porch.

17. Small Porch With Sunny Seating

A large, tall veranda with a small patio area next to the grand front entryway. This small patio area is obscured by the tall plants and planters, but features a white patio table and chairs. Right now, the patio is decked out for fall with pumpkins.

18. Brick Uncovered Porch

A spacious, uncovered porch on a home with stacked stone siding. Brick steps lead up to the front door, and are decorated with a large potted tree in a metallic pot. The rest of the yard has small, low profile but colorful bushes. The unique architecture of the porch, along with the texture of the siding, gives this home lots of curb appeal.

19. Small Porch With Tulips

A small front porch with a potted calla lily in a terra cotta pot and a bright red front door. The siding takes on a different look on the porch, going diagonal instead of horizontal. Brightly colored tulips and other lovely bushes and flowers are planted in front.

20. Wrap-Around Porch With Columns

A wrap-around porch with a variety of seating under each window and a hanging basket between each set of columns. Urns bring the landscaping up the stairs and onto the porch. White hydrangeas are the centerpiece of the landscaping near the stairs.

21. Long Porch With Hanging Baskets

A simple lengthy porch with a large planting bed running all along the railing featuring small yellow marigolds, green hostas, and spiky pink variety of flower. Along the top of the porch are brightly colored hanging baskets. In a nook, a small seating arrangement can be spotted.

22. Small But Grand Porch

A stately home with a very small front porch and bright green woodwork and shutters. The landscaping of this home is fairly understated with hedges trimmed into an oval shape that seem to point guests down the red walkway to the front door and porch.



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