Apollo: The Majestic Lion-Tiger Hybrid Cat, a True Marvel of Nature (video)

Apollo: The Majestic Lion-Tiger Hybrid Cat, a True Marvel of Nature (video)

Meet Apollo, the lion-tiger hybrid cat, weighing 319 kg – The largest cat on earth! (Accompanying video) .c

There are many majestic animals out there. They make a name for themselves with one-of-their-kind features and even, a giant look. And Apollo the lion-tiger crossbreed is among these very big animals. Weighing 319 kg (700 lbs), the liger earned the title of the world’s biggest cat.

  • 1 | 4Furry giants like Apollo can mostly be found in are mostly found in zoos and sanctuaries. They can reach up to 12 feet long and weigh up to 795 lbs (360 kg). It’s twice as heavy as a lion or a tiger. Thanks to its huge giant, people compare it with the prehistorical sabre-tooth tiger, that went extinct 42,000 years ago. Image Credits: therealtarzann
  • 2 | 4Apollo the liger became an Internet sensation when the footage of its and Mike Holston and wildlife conservationist Kody Antle uploaded on Youtube. The three were caught having a walk together in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The video soon went viral and shook the world of wild animal lovers a little. How massive the cat is. Image Credits: therealtarzann
  • 3 | 4Mike said that the teeth and tongue of Apollo are the size of his middle finger and his forearm respectively. The ex-football star can’t even wrap his arms around the liger’s neck. Regarding what the liger eat, Mike said that it would eat everything in sight. And, that’s easy to understand why the huge creature can go up to 40 miles an hour in just a couple of steps.
  • 4 | 4This giant is gentle. It is friendly with two men walking along its sides. Just watch the video below to know more about it.

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