Create a fragrant flower garden with your own hands with ways to plant and care for Petunias, the secret to caring for Petunias plants to receive a long blooming season

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Pretty petunias are one of the most popular flowers because of their exceptional blooms and long flowering period. As with most annual plants, they become leggy by mid-summer, so you should prune the shoots back to about half their length. Learn how to plant and care for your petunias to keep them blooming.

About petuniasPetunias are treated as annuals in most areas, but can be grown as tender perennials in zones 9 through 11. The flowers come in many colors and patterns and bloom from spring until frost!

These colorful annuals can really add pop to a front yard and are often used in borders, containers, hanging baskets or even as a seasonal ground cover. Some even have a light scent. Their height can vary from 6 inches to 18 inches, and they can spread anywhere from 18 inches to 4 feet off the ground.

Types of PetuniasPetunias are divided into several groups based primarily on flower size:

Multiflora petunias are the most durable and productive. They have smaller but more profuse blooms and are ideal for a summer border or in a mixed border (because they are more tolerant of wet weather).


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