Princess mint gum tree – The perfect beauty of the flower creates an attraction for your garden

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Silver Princess Gum is a graceful, pendulous tree with powdery blue-green leaves. Sometimes referred to as the Silver Princess Gum Tree, this showy tree displays an intriguing bark and unique pink or red flowers with yellow anthers in late winter or early spring, soon followed by bell-shaped fruit. Read on to learn more about silver princess gum trees. Silver Princess Gum Tree Info Silver Princess Gum trees (Eucalyptus caesia) are native to Western Australia where they are also known as Gungurru. They are fast-growing trees that can reach 36 inches in height in a single season, with lifespans of 50 to 150 years.

Silver Princess Growing Conditions If you are thinking about planting a silver princess eucalyptus, make sure you have a sunny spot as the tree will not grow in the shade. Almost any type of soil is suitable. Be careful when planting in windy areas as the roots are shallow and strong winds can uproot young trees.

Caring for Silver Princess Eucalyptus Water Silver Princess Eucalyptus well at planting time and then thoroughly a few times a week during the first summer. After that, the tree only needs additional watering during extended dry periods. Give a slow-release fertilizer at planting time. After that, don’t worry too much about fertilizer. If you feel the tree needs a boost, fertilize the plant every spring.












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