Tiny Titan: 10-Month-Old Indian Baby Earns 'Michelin Baby' Title with Remarkable 40kg Weight

Tiny Titan: 10-Month-Old Indian Baby Earns ‘Michelin Baby’ Title with Remarkable 40kg Weight

COSTLY: Aliya with her dad Mohammad Saleem, who struggles to pay for food [BARCROFT]

Baby Aliya weighs in at an astonishing 2st 13lbs making her one of the heaviest children in the world for her age.

She was an impressive 9lbs when she was born and has been rapidly piling on the pounds since after getting a taste for curry and eating monster meals which are three times bigger than a normal child.

Aliya now weighs the same as an average six-year-old girl.

Her parents, who live in a remote village in India, have to buy her new clothes every two weeks because her old ones are too tight for her.

They believe she is suffering from a mystery illness which leaves her constantly hungry but are so poor that they struggle to pay for her massive daily food intake.

Mum Shabana Parveen, 25, now struggles to hold Aliya because she is so big.

She said: “She has become very heavy. My husband comes home very late from work.

“So all through the day, I have to do household chores and also look after Aliya. It is difficult because she cannot even sit still on her own.

“She keeps crying throughout the day. She wakes up at night abruptly and also she cannot breathe properly.”

HUNGRY: Baby Aliya’s parents say she is constantly hungry and now weighs the same as a six-year-old child [BARCROFT]
CURRY: Aliya loves eating curry – her daily food intake is three times as much as a regular child [BARCROFT]

World Health Organisation guidelines say the average weight of a 10-month-old in the UK is 18lbs – less than half Aliya’s weight.

Her dad Mohammad Saleem, 28, said his growing baby is putting a major strain on the family’s finances.

The tailor earns less than £3 a day.

“We have limited means, so there are instances when I have to borrow money from relatives or friends to feed the family and Aliya,” he said.

The couple tragically lost another daughter, Simran, after a similar mystery weight gain when she was one years old.

Aliya has an older brother Ali, five, who is a normal size.

Shabana said: “We are scared. Simran kept gaining weight all the time. Just like her, Aliya is also growing.

“So if we leave her untreated, we fear for the worst.”

FAMOUS: Aliya is well loved in her village and other children love playing with her – but they can’t pick her up [BARCROFT]

Dr Krishan Chugh, a consultant in the capital, Delhi, said: “This is the heaviest baby at 10 months of age that I have seen.

“This could be case of morbid obesity or even a hormonal imbalance. But we need to conduct some tests on her before making a proper diagnosis.”

Baby Aliya is hugely popular in her village.

Shabana said: “Everybody in the village loves her. Kids also come and play with her.

“But very few can lift her.”



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