Unveiling the Wonders: 10 Fascinating Facts About the Rocky Mountain Horse (Video).

There are many reasons why riders love the Rocky Mountain Horse. They have many good qualities such as being easy-going, strong, very versatile, etc. We have to admit that this horse is mostly known for its four-beat single-foot gaited. That gait maintains the horse’s spirit but makes for a quiet, pleasant ride, making the horse fit for endurance riding or trail riding. It may seem odd but the Rocky Mountain Horse was really bred in Kentucky in the Appalachian Mountains. The foundation stallion was sent from Kentucky from the western US in the 1800s and that’s how the horse got its name. Below you will find some interesting facts about the Rocky Mountain horse, so you can get to know this horse better.

1. Rocky Mountain horses are recognized for their special coat

The average Rocky Mountain horse has a unique coat color that is defined as a “chocolate” color. The mane and the tail are usually golden in color. What makes this horses’ image so exceptional is the weight of the silver dapple gene, which is moderately rare.

2. The Rocky Mountain Horse Association was created in 1986

The registry favors horses that have the silver dapple gene in them. Compact color horses in this breed are also allowed. White markings are accepted, considering that they are supposed to be “insignificant” when looking at the horse. What is not considered adequate are any leg markings that stretch over the knee.

3. Rocky Mountain horses are very versatile

Many years ago, especially during the Great Depression, people wanted to own horse so they could help the families and perform many tasks for them. At that time, people could only own one horse, so they had to do all kinds of jobs, such as pulling a carriage or cart, work on the farm, ride under saddle, and deal with a truck. That’s exactly what the Rocky Mountain horse was able to do. The modern Rocky Mountain horse is as versatile as the foundation horse, but the modern tasks for a horse have clearly evolved. Nowadays Rocky Mountain horses are usually trail riders, though these horses are also participating very often in the competitive circuits. They are particularly powerful in endurance riding events.

4. Most of the Rocky Mountain horses still live in Kentucky

It is believed that the number of Rocky Mountain horses in the world today is about 20,000 horses. Out of that number, about 10,000 of the horses live in Kentucky today.

5. Rocky Mountain horses have a special character

As we know, most of the horse breeds have the tendency to run away if they get agitated or spooked. That’s why Rocky Mountain horses are very unique because if they get agitated, their natural response is to immediately stop. Their character also helps them be able to learn the skill level of the rider that is working with them, making sure that everyone has a pleasant ride.

6. These horses are deeply curious

Rocky Mountain horses almost look like they are managers. That’s because they stand behind their owners all the time and want to be part of any activity whenever you let them. This quality makes this horse one of the best companions anyone can ask for.

7. Nearly 2.5% of Rocky Mountain horses are Palomino

The majority of horses in this breed are either chocolate or black, estimating for 2 out of every 3 horses. Other coat features are also desirable, such as Buckskin, Roan, and Cremello.

8. Rocky Mountain horses maintain information very well

Once Rocky Mountain horse learns a particular task, then there is a good chance that they will never forget it. It doesn’t matter if they are trained once a week or once a month, they can remember their training and immediately respond to orders.

9. This horse is also a great jumper

Rocky Mountain horses are recognized for their ability to quickly clear 4-foot jumps if they have been instructed in show jumping and are ridden correctly. This horse has a willingness to please their riders and will do everything they rider tells them to. Although it is a young breed, the Rocky Mountain horse is getting more recognition due to its remarkable appearance, movements, and character.

10. The registry books are fully closed

The only horses that are permitted to join the registry of the Rocky Mountain horse breed are the children of already listed Rocky Mountain horses. The main focus of the breeders it’s mostly on the youth of this breed and the preservation of them.


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