Unwanted Due to Her Mane, She Hides Behind a Cold, Icy Car Tire

Unwanted Due to Her Mane, She Hides Behind a Cold, Icy Car Tire

They said he found his peace in the tire of a car, where he sleeps and hides from the cold.

Reactions from locals are mixed; some send her food so she can survive, while others kick her out of her door because, as they say, she is mangy and sick.

“Some of his wounds are already bleeding; “His chances of surviving the next few cold days on the street are non-existent in his condition.”

“She is a good, calm girl, and all she wanted was her serenity and the amount of food she needed to survive, as if her body was telling her: ‘I’m very cold.’ She is looking for her place in the world… a place where she will never be cold or hungry again.”

This poor thing had been suffering for a long time and from a lot of people living in this area, and no one even felt sorry for her, is this normal for all of you?

Finally, a good heart found her; She will never be hungry again and he took her with him.

“She will never stop being loved again, by her and by all my rescue dogs that I adopted from the street until they can find a home.” Said his savior Fahrudin Caki Bravo.

He named her Neve and she slept like a baby after a nice dinner and a hot bath.

The next day, he took her to the vet, where she was given antibiotics and coconut oil therapy to help prevent her skin from peeling; She also has anemia.

After more than 80 days, she grew into a very friendly dog ​​who loves all the other good creatures. Neve loves cats, as well as all other dogs, and she likes to play with them.

Neve is a dog who knows how to receive and return love.

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