A Remarkable Bond: Two-Month-Old Tiger Cub Nourished by Do-Do, a Two-Year-Old Chimpanzee, Unveils an Unforgettable Connection

Some cute pictures show the close relationship between Do Do, a two-year-old chimpanzee, and Aorp, a two-month-old tiger cub. It’s true that chimpanzees can have a stooped posture just like hippos, and this cute picture proves it.

As seen on BuzzFeed and Neatorama, a two-year-old chimp named Do Do holds a tiger cub named Aorp in her arms and feeds her with a milk bottle.

Every time the music stops, Do Do puts the bottle in her mouth, just like a human mother would do to see if her baby is ready for milk.

The baby tiger and the ape are so used to each other that the ape’s motherly instincts take over as she feeds it from a bottle. Aorp slurps up the milk happily while Do Do carefully holds the tiger in her arms.

Do Do is wearing a pair of denim shorts for some unexplained reason, maybe to protect her thighs from Aorp’s claws.

Still, it doesn’t make sense that a monkey would take care of a tiger like a mother. If they were real woɩⱱeѕ, it seems unlikely that the two would be able to survive on their own in the wіɩd. But the zookeepers seem to be looking oᴜt for the animals’ safety first. Do Do is wearing denim shorts, which are probably there to protect her thighs from Aorp’s claws.

The ѕtгапɡe couple was саᴜɡһt on video at the Samat Prakap Crocodile Farm and Zoo near Bangkok, Thailand. The zoo is home to more than 80,000 crocodiles, as well as monkeys, tigers, elephants, lions, horses, and hippos.


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