A three-year-old boy has a rare genetic disorder that causes his legs to swell to four times their normal size.

Ak­shaj Khan­del­wal with his fa­ther.

Athree-year-old boy suf­fers from a rare ge­netic dis­or­der which has caused his leg to swell to four times its nor­mal size. Ak­shaj Khan­del­wal has Klip­pel-Tre­nau­nay Syn­drome (KTS) – which af­fects one in 100,000 peo­ple and pre­vents him from walk­ing nor­mally.

The con­di­tion also causes his leg to bleed if he tries to walk more than a few steps and pre­vents him from go­ing to school on his own.

The con­di­tion also causes his leg to bleed if he tries to walk more than a few steps and pre­vents him from go­ing to school on his own.

Un­aware of it be­ing a med­i­cal con­di­tion, the tod­dler just be­lieves his larger leg is a gift and he is lucky to have it.

Peo­ple of­ten main­tain a dis­tance from him out of fear of be­ing in­fected – leav­ing his fam­ily scared he will get bul­lied by other chil­dren as he grows older. The con­di­tion also causes his leg to bleed if he tries to walk more than a few steps and pre­vents him from go­ing to school on his own.

Peo­ple of­ten main­tain a dis­tance from him out of fear of be­ing in­fected – leav­ing his fam­ily scared he will get bul­lied by other chil­dren as he grows older. The con­di­tion also causes his leg to bleed if he tries to walk more than a few steps and pre­vents him from go­ing to school on his own.

But his wor­ried fa­ther Ankur, from Delhi, In­dia, be­lieves he is still too young to be told the re­al­ity of his con­di­tion – for which there is no cure.

But his wor­ried fa­ther Ankur, from Delhi, In­dia, be­lieves he is still too young to be told the re­al­ity of his con­di­tion – for which there is no cure.

His dis­traught par­ents have vis­ited al­most all the hos­pi­tals in New Delhi and have re­turned with­out any help.

Doc­tors at For­tis Hospi­tal re­main con­fused about the con­di­tion and say it is un­likely he will be treated suc­cess­fully.

KTS is a rare ge­netic con­di­tion which af­fects the de­vel­op­ment of blood ves­sels, soft tis­sues and bones.

KTS is a rare ge­netic con­di­tion which af­fects the de­vel­op­ment of blood ves­sels, soft tis­sues and bones.

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