Nollywood sensation Bimpe Akintunde, known as Wasila Coded, initiated her daughter’s 8th birthday celebration with a series of captivating photos shared on social media. The joyous occasion is evident as the actress showcases the beauty and charm of her beloved daughter in the delightful snapshots.
Alongside the enchanting images, Bimpe Akintunde pens a heartfelt caption, expressing gratitude for her daughter’s presence in her life. In a moving tribute, she calls upon followers to join in prayer for her daughter’s journey ahead, creating an emotional connection with fans.
Bimpe’s words resonate with love as she extends birthday wishes to her daughter. In the caption, she not only celebrates the eight years of joy her daughter has brought into her life but also articulates her hopes for a future filled with love, joy, and blessings.
The actress’s call for prayers is met with an outpouring of support from fans and well-wishers. Social media platforms become a virtual space for followers to send their heartfelt blessings and positive vibes to the birthday girl, creating a sense of community celebration.
As the day unfolds, Bimpe Akintunde concludes the birthday celebration with a final post, reflecting on the memorable moments shared. Grateful for the gift of her daughter, she expresses appreciation for the love and support received from the online community, marking the day as a significant milestone in their lives.
Happy 8th years Birthday My dearest Daughter
Hammedat Moboluwaduro Ashaby
I am thankful for a child like you
I am grateful for the gift of you
I am Blesssed to call you my Daughter
I pray Almighty Allah be your Shield, Guardian, Helper, Protector, As you continue with the journey of life
Iya mii Agbon Ofuuru Inajokojodo korokoroboto Ayobieniobanbo!!!!!!
Omo o’daso’le’doye Imupa Ashayan 👑
Mi o ni wa e ti lola Oluwa oba 🙏
Baba mii Egba Molushabi Agbongbo Akala Omo Erin jogun ola!!!!
Wa ni Alubarika pupo 🙏
Wa shey opolopo oriire lola Anobi Muhammad (saw)
Happy Birthday Iyalode of Egba Land 👑✨️😘😘😘😘