"Embracing Nature: Living Among Tigers | Season of Wild Bonds"

“Embracing Nature: Living Among Tigers | Season of Wild Bonds”


Bonds between owners and their cats are strong, especially when you trust a 600 pound cat to play safe.

Paul wrestles with his ain’t cats like he is one of the prime.

Janine and her team cuddle Tigers without a care in the world, and Bonnie does her animals so much she would not be happy if someone tried to take them over.

I would shoot them point blank.

But as soon as feeding time comes, the catch change, showing possessiveness, and I can’t go up and grab that food away from him now, or even a pizza have him.

Living With Tigers

Pet cats may sound run-of-the-mill, but Janice Haley has taken her love of felines to the extreme, keeping two huge Tigers in her back.

God, maybe they rub me in the face.

They’ll let me kiss them on the nose.

We could cuddle with them.

We can, we can play with them.

We hand feed them, we bring them everything that they need.

Saipa, a 600 pound male, white Bengal and gender, a 400-pound Bengal female, had lived with her since they were Cubs.

Most people, normal people, would think this is crazy thing to do.

We love the bond that we have.

You’re within inches of their face when you’re feeding them.

Your hand is in their mouth.

You have three inch canines right around the side of your hand and yet still have all my fingers and toes.

57 year-old Janice and her husband, David, work around the clock to care for six-year-old saber and 12 year old gender, but only happened upon their extraordinary life when she decided to quit her boring day job.

This adventure began back in 1995, when I was working behind the desk doing tedious work and I really wanted to get back outside, and my husband came up with this idea of working with these wild exotic animals.

This part, Ark, is having a fearsome reputation.

Janice has never been sure.

People wanting to help out, oh, here we go.

Pretty much everyone that comes here to interact with them.

My volunteers are all basically part of their family.

Like most young, Mouse Sabre can get a little boisterous, but that’s not enough to keep Kerry Yates from helping out.

I don’t get scared when the Tigers are dragging me around the cage.

You’re doing it in play, and it’s a relationship that we have especially favored, and I’ve been there with him since he was two weeks old and raising in the training and just kind of throwing up with him.

You know, fighting who knows the playtime is.

It’s good for them and they don’t make it scary.

He’s not aggressive when he’s.

When he’s dragging me around, he’s doing it out of our relationship, for this continues the bond.

I guess Janice understands people may disagree with her decision to raise the cats in captivity, but says Sabre and Jan De had a good quality of life.

People who consider it cruel to keep them in captivity heavy point to a point.

It is not the ideal place for a tiger to be in a cage, but at this point in the wild isn’t a lot of hope for them out there.

If there aren’t some of them still left in cages, there aren’t going to be any left at all in a couple of years from now.

We hand feed them three times a day every single day and they are provided for and loved here.

In my opinion, I wouldn’t mind being a tiger in my backyard.

After spending more than 12 hours caring for gender and sabor, Janice can finally try to get some rest herself before it all starts again tomorrow.

These two tigers are what we live for, what we do everything for everything that we do.

Has them in mind first.

We love them, we.

We treat them like they’re my kids.

They basically are my big four-legged furry kids, nighty-night guys.

We’ll see you in the morning.

Have a good night, love you.

Big Cats

Big cat enthusiast called wakes up every morning to wrestle with the eight big cats in his backyard.

Despite their killer instinct Cole goes out of his way to lately is huge beasts.

These are all wild animals.

They’re not domesticated ones.

So they have that wild side, wild instinct, wild nature.

When they’re young and they’re adolescents they play really rough with each other in the wild.

That’s how they learn the skills necessary to become efficient hunters and we don’t deny them that here.

I play with them, I wrestle with, I let them get some of that aggressive play out.

But he’s hands-on approach comes with its own danger.

They accelerate from zero to 40 miles per hour and about three strides.

They come fast instinctually.

They just know to go further vital.

I never give them a free shot at my neck or anything like that.

I’ll get my arm up there and protect that.

We have to really keep our senses and protect ourselves.

I had a leopard kind of bite me in the nose a few years ago.

I had my nose so back together.

Injuries, just their bad part of the job.

Nine years ago Carl sets up single vision, an educational nonprofit organization at his home in Florida.

Gives people a chance to get a passion and appreciation for these animals.

So I think it’s essential we have them in captivity to create that passionate people.

He’s biggest animal is a 700 pound Siberian tiger Samson, which towers above him at nine and a half feet tall.

Each week Carl buys a massive 1,500 pounds of meat and the cats can devour 200 pounds in a night.

Now here’s where the relationship with me and the cats does change.

You can see he’s showing possessiveness and I can’t go up and grab that food away from him now, or even a piece of it, you can see.

And he’s vocalizing.

He’s telling me and I’m not gonna push that line.

Kali is no stranger to controversy surrounding friggin big cats in captivity.

People that would say it’s cruel to keep large cats in captivity.

Most of the people that say that say this should be all be in the wild.

My question back to them is: where’s the wild these days?

I don’t do this because it’s safe.


I guess I get that a rush of adrenaline just from being around and working with them and can’t imagine let’s put it this way: they are aquatics.

They are dangerous animals.

I have tranquilizer guns so we can tranquilize them.

If we have to nobody’s going to get hurt, not unless you just climb into the pen and be stupid.

62 year-old truck driver, pawnee ha, keeps 2 grizzly bears and a white tiger in a back garden.

Pebbles can get a little tang crease at times and she slapped me with her claws, has bit at me a couple of times, but nothing like attack me.

With a combined weight of over 600 pounds, pebbles and Bamm-Bamm have liquid fun since they were Cubs.

But if that wasn’t enough, six-year-old white Bengal tiger, Anushka, lives in the pen next door.

Me, Anushka, are you?

No, I’m mama

And she’s


And I mean I can hand-feed her, I can pet her, I can do whatever I want with her.

Bonnie also, let’s have grandchildren interact with them.

I think it’s really cool.

I mean it’s definitely a different experience.

Bears are my favorite animal.

Like I don’t go in the tiger pen because you know the tiger.

These bears have been around a lot of people.

They don’t know tricks, they don’t know the sit, lay down, stand up on a box, but you can get in there and you can love on them and you can pet them.

And I’ve socialized them a lot.

Looking after these animals is an expensive business.

You’re looking at probably thousand fifteen hundred dollars more a month just to feed these animals.

I seen her probably between 14 and 20 pounds a day.

These bears I’ve tried.

I’ve tried fish.

I’ve tried salmon.

They don’t want it.

They want their berries, their watermelons, their cantaloupes, the candy.

They love cookies, marshmallows.

They love anything that’s sweet and they will almost mug you for honey.

They’re bears.

Bonnie regularly has people able to see her animals.

My neighbors.

They love it.

They bring their families over.

If someone tried to take them away, it would be a very different story.

I would shoot them point-blank.

Come on my property and try to take my animals.

I don’t care if it’s tigers, bears, horses or dogs.

Somebody’s gonna get shot.

There isn’t one out here that I don’t care for.

It has changed me.

I mean I’ve been doing this since I was a little girl.

It makes you have responsibilities.

It makes you realize that life is precious and you should join every moment of it you.

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