In the Street of Pain: The Heart-Wrenching Saga of a Paralyzed Stray, His Body Twisted, Begging for Food While the World Walked On By, Unmoved.

Because he was in such awful shape, a poor dog lay motionless in the roadway. He was passed by by a large number of individuals who did nothing to assist him!

The lovely dog, whose pelvis was broken, continued to whimper in anguish until rescuers arrived to take him. The dog was immediately rushed to the vet, where he was given antibiotics and treatment for a high fever caused by a serious infection.

He then successfully underwent pelvic surgery to reconstruct his pelvis. He also began to eat with carers constantly surrounding him.

The dog eventually learned to stand and walk on his own. However, his path to recovery is long. He is becoming stronger with physical therapy every day, and he will be eligible for adoption once he is entirely healed.

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