With an overhauled coaching staff in the Dallas Cowboys, one of the biggest questions about the offense we’re waiting to be answered is what will the offensive line look like?
There seem to be many options, including keeping things as they are or moving some young players around. I came up with five potential offensive line combinations including a wild bonus one.
Let’s dive in.
Option #1: The likeliest Cowboys OL setup
- LT: Tyler Guyton
- LG: Tyler Smith
- C: Cooper Beebe
- RG: Brock Hoffman
- RT: Terence Steele
This is how the Cowboys ended last year with and I’d bet the likeliest combo for the 2025 NFL season. Its success would largely hinge on Guyton’s progress on the left tackle spot. His biggest issue was his tendency for committing fouls. He was always perceived as a raw prospect so there’s reason to believe he’ll improve.
Option #2: Zack Martin plays again
- LT: Tyler Guyton
- LG: Tyler Smith
- C: Cooper Beebe
- RG: Zack Martin
- RT: Terence Steele
The Cowboys should let Hoffman do his thing and let Zack Martin retire or play elsewhere, even if it breaks my heart to do so. But if Dallas was to run it back with the future Hall of Famer, I’d expect the OL to be intact otherwise.
Option #3: Sending Guyton to his college spot
- LT: Asim Richards
- LG: Tyler Smith
- C: Cooper Beebe
- RG: Brock Hoffman
- RT: Tyler Guyton
A lot has been made about Guyton’s rookie year struggles and some have suggested he’d be better of playing right tackle, which was his position at Oklahoma. I’m not a fan of the “snip snap, snip snap” approach and believe the narrative is overblown but if that fixes his penalties it should be explored. And what if Asim Richards takes his spot at LT? He wasn’t bad last year. There are other choices, of course.
Option #4: Cooper Beebe goes back to guard!
- LT: Tyler Guyton
- LG: Tyler Smith
- C: Free agent / Drafted rookie
- RG: Cooper Beebe
- RT: Terence Steele
I’m a fan of Cooper Beebe at center but with him reuniting with OL coach Conor Riley after they were together in Kansas State, I wonder if he could go back to where he was at his best in college. The biggest challenge here would be finding his replacement at center. This would likely be a result of the Cowboys finding a good starting-caliber center and believing Beebe is a better guard. I’d find this unlikely but it can’t be ruled out.
Bonus option (#5): Let’s get crazy
- LT: Tyler Smith
- LG: T.J. Bass
- C: Cooper Beebe
- RG: Brock Hoffman
- RT: Tyler Guyton
Some fans and media members believe T.J. Bass is better than Brock Hoffman but that the latter’s nasty demeanor in the trenches gives him the upper hand thanks to his knack for setting the tone. Some also believe Tyler Smith should play tackle instead of guard, arguing it’s a more important position and it’s worth the trade-off of not having him where he’s best. Well, what if you get Bass on the field as a result of pushing Smith outside? In the meantime, you send Guyton to right tackle.
It’s the fan pandering OL combo! It won’t happen but it’s fun to think about such an overhaul.