‘This Is a Sh0cker’ – Jerry Jones Expected Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl After Making Dak Prescott the NFL’s Highest-Paid QB – hmai

‘This Is a Shocker’ – Jerry Jones Expected Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl After Making Dak Prescott the NFL’s Highest-Paid QB

In September 2024, the Dallas Cowboys made a bold statement by signing quarterback Dak Prescott to a record-breaking four-year, $240 million contract, making him the highest-paid player in NFL history at $60 million per year. Owner Jerry Jones emphasized that this significant investment was a clear indication of the team’s commitment to immediate success. He stated, “I wouldn’t have signed Dak Prescott, the highest-paid player in the NFL, if now wasn’t when we wanted to win.”

Jerry Jones Reveals Dak Prescott, Super Bowl 'Shocker'

However, the 2024 season did not unfold as anticipated. The Cowboys concluded the regular season with a 7-10 record, missing the playoffs. Reflecting on the outcome, Jones expressed his disappointment, saying, “This is a shocker, to be here at this Super Bowl, and not have the Cowboys here. I didn’t plan on that when I made that agreement.”

Dallas Cowboys' Jerry Jones Boldly Reveals Dak Prescott and Super Bowl ' Shocker' - Athlon Sports

Jones’s expectations were rooted in the franchise’s history. He noted that previous instances of making key players the highest-paid in the league, such as with quarterback Troy Aikman, resulted in Super Bowl victories. Jones remarked, “Any time that we’ve ever made players the highest-paid player, key players, such as Troy Aikman, the most highest-paid player in the game, we won Super Bowls.”

Deadspin | Super 'shocker' for Jerry Jones: Cowboys not in Super Bowl LIX

The substantial investment in Prescott underscored the organization’s belief in his ability to lead the team to championship glory. As the Cowboys look ahead, the pressure mounts on both Prescott and the entire organization to deliver results that align with their significant financial commitments and championship aspirations.

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