The online community was shocked by the baby's expressions as if "hating the whole world"

The online community was shocked by the baby’s expressions as if “hating the whole world”

A mother who gave birth by caesarean section has posted pictures of her “difficult” baby on Facebook.

While still lying on the operating table, American mother Hollie Wallis heard the doctors and nurses laughing and talking about the fact that the baby had just been born, and the baby showed a “hate the world” face. following a frown.

At that time, Hollie thought that maybe her baby wanted to say, “It’s very comfortable in the womb. Why take me out? Put me back where I was” . But when she saw her child, Winter Josephine, even though she was small, but did not hesitate to show her “difficult” attitude, Hollie couldn’t help but laugh because she knew that the child had to go through a journey to grow up in The womb is not easy.

Having just come out of the womb, Winter showed an attitude of “hating the whole world”.

Pregnancy Winter was a pleasant surprise

When she saw the pregnancy test showing two bold lines, Hollie couldn’t believe her eyes as she had had several surgeries in the previous year to remove a large tumor in her uterus. I thought that I would never be able to be a mother again.

So, right after that, Hollie rushed to the hospital to check again to be sure. It turned out that she was pregnant.

Winter always keeps her scowling face in every picture.

The first days of pregnancy, everything went smoothly, until the first ultrasound, the doctor announced that there was no amniotic fluid in the gestational sac. This is very worrisome because this is the fluid that acts as a protection, a cushion for the developing fetus. Hearing that, Hollie’s heart sank. Through testing, doctors revealed that the mother of three had oligohydramnios – a condition that causes low levels of amniotic fluid during pregnancy.

But fortunately in the second ultrasound, the doctor found the amniotic sac and the fetus developed healthy.

An emergency caesarean section suddenly struck

No matter who holds it or in any situation, the frown is always Winter’s “highlight”.
It was difficult to capture the moment when she didn’t wince.

Near the due date, Hollie had an appointment for a antenatal check-up on Monday morning, but when she woke up on Sunday morning, she felt something was wrong, so she rushed to the hospital right away. And her maternal instincts were right when this mother was rushed into an emergency cesarean section because of the dangerous situation for the fetus.

At that time, Hollie had not yet had a chance to clarify what was happening with her husband. Therefore, she was very worried and scared because this was her first time giving birth by caesarean section.

Even though she didn’t frown, her glaring eyes were enough to see how fastidious little Winter was.

Knowing her husband was waiting outside, and she was on the operating table, Hollie could only silently pray for a safe birth. Against the doctors’ disheartening predictions, baby girl Winter was born healthy, despite being less than normal weight. What caught the child’s attention again was the scowling face and the tightly furrowed eyebrows.

Not only showing “difficult” on the face, Winter’s hand is always clenched as if to say “I am angry”.
It is rare to have a picture of a smiling girl happily.

It is known that if the amount of amniotic fluid is too low during pregnancy, the fetus is at high risk of birth defects and must be treated with physical therapy. Some babies don’t even survive, while others grow up but their lungs aren’t fully developed. However, Winter was the exception child. She is as strong as her own face.

Every day that passes, Hollie takes and posts pictures of Winter on Facebook as a way to preserve all of her lovely moments. The photos have been enjoyed by many people because the baby looks scowling but still cute.


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