After 10 years of hard work, this couple made history by giving birth to four girls from one embryo

The rate of quadruplets with the same embryo as in the case of this couple is extremely rare, only about 1/70 million.


Pregnancy and childbirth are always a magical and mysterious journey. Besides normal births, there are always extremely rare births that surprise even doctors. 

In 2013, the entire British medical industry was shocked by the identical quadruplets of couple Christine and Justin Clark (living in South Yorkshire).

After 10 years of trying, the couple made "historyamp;#34; giving birth to four baby girls from one embryo - 1

The couple happily welcomed the birth of four baby girls after 10 years of waiting.

Christine and Justin tried to conceive naturally for 9 years but failed. In 2012, the two decided to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. A single embryo was implanted into Christine’s uterus and three weeks later, she happily received the news that she was pregnant. 

Throughout her pregnancy, Christine was not only tired of being pregnant with quadruplets but also miserable due to severe morning sickness. 

At 27 weeks, four baby girls, Darcy, Caroline, Elisha and Alexis, were born on March 25, 2013 through a cesarean section at Jessop hospital. The total weight of all 4 is just over 4kg. 

After 10 years of trying, the couple made "historyamp;#34; giving birth to four girls from one embryo - 2

This is the first case of four fetuses with the same embryo in the UK.

“When I found out I had 4 children, I was truly speechless. We had hoped for many years to have just one child, but now we have 4 ,” Christine choked up. 

Besides the happiness of welcoming their child after many years, she and her husband are also very proud because their children are extremely rare. 

“My children are the first case of fraternal quadruplets in the UK. During the cesarean section, the doctor saw two placentas, so he wasn’t sure if they were two identical twins or one identical triplets and one fraternal baby. Until The children were 12 weeks old, the doctor did a test to check and was extremely surprised to see the results ,” Justin shared. 

After 10 years of trying, the couple made "historyamp;#34; giving birth to four girls from one embryo - 3

4 babies were born at 27 weeks with a total weight of more than 4kg.

Mr. Adel Shaker, director of Christine’s fertility center, said: “I have been doing IVF for more than 20 years but this is the first time I have seen a case of 4 pregnancies from one embryo. We only transferred 1 embryo but and have 4 beautiful baby girls.” 

Due to multiple pregnancies and premature births, when they were born, the babies had to stay in the special care room for many months. But now, after 5 years, all four are growing healthy and extremely adorable. 

After 10 years of trying, the couple made "historyamp;#34; giving birth to four girls from one embryo - 4

After 5 years, all 4 are growing healthy and lovely.

Although life as a mother of four children faces many hardships, for Christine, this is still the greatest luck in her life.

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